Friday, May 31, 2013


I feel like I'm constantly being the debbie downer.

I really try to stay positive but sometimes it is just so hard.
I'm definitely not where I thought I would be right now.

I'm having one of those days where I just feel like it's hopeless. 
That I'm going to be stuck in this same rut forever. 

I'm struggling waiting for a job that I can be somewhat excited about.
Sometimes I just feel trapped underneath what feels like a mountain of student loan debt. 
Student loan debt that I have nothing to show for but a piece of paper.

Trying to be positive.

Positive positive positive.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thoroughly Exhausted Thursday....

I'm literally so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

It's one of those weeks where I have definitely not gotten enough sleep and
am just ready for the weekend so I can sleep for 12 hours. 

Working at a university during the summer is torture. 
I mean yes I have a lot of stuff I could be doing/catching up on.
But that requires motivation. 
Motivation that 4 hours of sleep does not provide. 

I'm making the wedding cake for my brother-in-law's wedding so sleep will not be had tonight.
Wedding's tomorrow at 10am. 
Which means I'll be up at like 7:00 am otherwise known as way to early on a day off.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday Topics: 10 things that make you happy

A new round of Tuesday Topics!
These are great because they keep me a somewhat consistent blogger.

I've been busy playing around on my brand new iMac at work.
I've also been glued to the Jodi Arias trial. I can't help it. I really just want it over already. 
So some peace for the families can be had.

But today's topic are 10 things that make me happy.
I'm gonna try and keep it light.

1. The boyfriend
He drives me crazy most of the time but I'm happiest with him.

2. My puppies
Especially today I went home and Roxy is always just so excited to welcome me home. 

3. Rain!
I really want to wear my new wellies and need some rain so I don't look crazy.

4. Good News
Huffington Post has an entire section that is just good news. 
I love reading it when I'm feeling disappointed in humanity.

5. Family
Especially my niece and nephew. I always love to see them.

6. Ladybugs
Or ladybug things to stash around my desk and house.

7. My new bike helmet.

Yes I'm aware I'm ridiculous

8. Online Shopping
I'm definitely not an instant gratification kind of girl. 
I'd rather scope out the best deal from the comfort of my couch.

9. Trenta Green Teas from Starbucks
Never ordered trenta before. It was a must today.

10. My Flowers
These babies have survived my black thumb. Apparently the boyfriend has been keeping them watered.
I just thought they were miracles. Even though it's weird none of the purple ones are blooming.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day Gift...

So I'm kind of lame and still make my mom something for Mother's Day.

My mom is seriously so hard to shop for and 
she always says she appreciates something that takes some thought.
My mom also loves her Chihuahuas. 
I know most people hate them but for some reason my mom loves them.
So last year I made her a desk calendar with pictures of her dogs.

This year I decided to try out my embroidery skills and I made this:

She really liked it...or at least she said she did.

I really loved the sublime stitching pattern it was super easy to transfer and came with a color guide.
Best of all it was cheap and it comes with a bunch of images so you can design your own arrangement.

If you're wanting to get into embroidery and need fun unique patterns I would definitely recommend them.

p.s. Sublime Stitching has no idea who I am. 
I've just been really enjoying doing some embroidery. I need to learn more stitches!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Topics

Today's Tuesday Topic is One Reason You Started Blogging...

For the fame?
Maybe the money?
I kid I kid. 

I started blogging as a way to join in on something I sat and observed for so long.
I have been an avid reader of blogs for about 4 years. 
I loved all of these creative people who share not just their projects but their lives with complete strangers.

What have I learned since I started blogging?
It's a lot harder than it looks.

This is how I feel most days...

The Austin Family Diary

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I did it!

First just so you know the blog is kind of under construction. 
I'm trying some stuff out so it's kind of weird right now.

Moving on...
I did it! I actually finished a project in a timely manner.

Here's my little Kokeshi doll...
Sorry for the horrible picture I've been getting home super late this week.

I used to love counted cross stitch as a kid and am happy to be picking embroidery up.

I'm working on something for Mother's Day that I think is really fun.

Yay for finally moving through my creativity block!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday Topics: 2 Bucket List

I've never really sat down and thought about things I want to do.
I really need to create a bucket list and start crossing some things off!

Two things that I definitely want to do are:

Run the Disney Princess Half Marathon

You get to wear a cute costume and run through DisneyWorld.

Visit the place I was born

Lakenheath, England
My parents always talk about how great it was to live there. So I definitely want to visit!

The Austin Family Diary

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Project ADD

I have so many half done projects.
Or I've bought all the materials for one project and haven't even started.

Remember the brush roll? Yeah, almost done!
Slowly but surely I'm going to finish it.
All that's left is the actual sewing.

When I was in high school I took Art and LOVED it.
Watercolors were especially my favorite.
So I decided to order some paints so I can start doing it again.

Oh yeah I bought a charm pack a couple months ago to make a quilt.
But I still need backing fabric and batting.

And yesterday I decided that I want to start doing embroidery again.
I need to go buy a hoop, fabric, and floss.

But wait! I really need a strap for my yoga mat.
Good thing I bought the fabric and velcro for that.

I also really need to make a matching bag for my brush roll.

Oh crap! Mother's Day is next week and my little's 25th birthday!
I need to do something special for her and the moms in my life.

But wait I still haven't finished the original project I have been working on.

This is just a trip into my brain and how it works.
I partly blame Pinterest.

It somehow always comes full circle though.