These days I'm pretty exhausted at the end of the day. At least mentally and definitely creatively. So my blog and Etsy shop have been pretty much ignored.
I have officially had my big kid job for 1 year. It seems to have gone by so fast. Seriously, I don't know where the time has gone...wait what day is it? Seriously though, I ask that question at least once a day. I feel like now that I have the job that I was waiting for, my life is flashing before my eyes. One day I'm going to wake up and be 50 and have no clue where the time went.
I'm putting a lot on my plate this year and the stress may be getting to me. Or at least the boyfriend has pointed out that it is. It's almost 8:30 at night and I've been working up until starting to write this. But guess what? I wouldn't change it. I have learned so much over the past year and am even more convinced that this is where I belong. Some days I put my head on my desk and want to cry from the overwhelming to do list...but if my list weren't so long I wouldn't have a job. But I definitely need to find a way to de-stress. Developing a drinking problem isn't an option...kidding! I don't feel like I have time for anything else... But I need to make time. For yoga or sewing or running (EWW, I didn't say that). But something.
Help me out here...
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