Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two Flowers...

Hello! Today I'm linking up with Lauren and Tiffany for another Tuesday Topics.

Today is two flowers...

So my whole life I've always said Tulips were my favorite. 
I don't know why they just always were.

It wasn't until a certain flower creeped into a bunch of artwork in my house 
that I realized how much I love poppies.

Second after poppies is definitely peonies. 

It might sound weird but peonies weren't even on my radar until Gossip Girl. 
Blair's favorite flower were peonies so they appeared on the show numerous times. 
They just look so romantic and delicate. I love them. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday Topics!

Tuesday Topics: 3 Stores

I love to shop it's a sickness really...

1. Target

Walking around Target by myself is my quiet time. 
It might sound odd but nothing mellows me out more then walking through entire store to see what they have on clearance. 

2. Sephora

I love Sephora and really wish we had one in driving distance so I didn't have to spend $50 every time I shop online just so I can get free shipping.

3. Etsy

Etsy is a one stop shop for great things.
I get presents for everyone on Etsy. 
I love that I'm supporting small business and the items are so well made.
It's also a perk that you wouldn't be able to find them in a store.

One of my recent purchases came from MadiMayDesign and was a gift for my sister-in-law. 
She's a stylist so the scissors design just made sense.

I loved it so much I'm seriously considering getting something for myself.

Monday, February 18, 2013


So I'm getting inspired. 
Inspired to dedicate some more time to my Etsy Shop.
I've had a little bit of success and am starting to turn a profit. 
Which is amazing to me. I never thought that I'd sell anything. 

So I definitely need to put some more effort into it. 
I've been on a roll lately with my motivation.

Let's hope I can channel it into this. 

Another big thing is happening. But I don't want to say anything until I know for sure. 

Change is finally coming this year and I definitely need it. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love/Hate Relationship

Most people have a love/hate relationship when it comes to Valentine's Day.
Usually when you have someone you love it and when you don't you hate it.
I always have loved Valentine's Day.
Alone or not I love heart stuff so Valentine's Day and the day after is when I stock up on cute stuff. 

The boyfriend isn't big with the surprises. He prefers me to make lists so he knows I'll like it. 
Actually, it's because he hates shopping.

Well this Valentine's I may have hinted at a super cute ladybug planter...I may have hinted twice. 
But I didn't really expect it since I really never know when he's listening to me (it's a guy thing I decided)

But he pulled some serious Mission Impossible moves and surprised me yesterday at work. 

I love my new desk decoration...I'm naming her Poppy or Penelope I can't decide. 
I like to name inanimate objects...

Then I got home and he had bought me roses for the house too.

Something must have bit him this year but I'm not complaining!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Yay for Monday!

Yay for Monday...said no one ever. 
Oh well I actually made an effort in my appearance today so that's a win for the week!
 Got to enjoy the little things.

In other news I was pretty absent from the blog last week...like non existent. 
But I actually got projects done! I finally put up my shelves in my craft room. They've been sitting painted in the garage for a few months now. I finished a very small project/present for my AOII littles that I'm going to send them for Valentine's Day. I've also had the stuff for that for about a month.
I made them these cute little key fobs. I used some general direction from Prudent Baby
I did not fuse the fabric to the cotton webbing. 

Super easy project and now I want one for myself.

We had sweet and sour chicken twice this week! Homemade and it's amazing... 
I made it Wednesday and the boyfriend requested it again yesterday. 
He's one of the pickiest people I've met so I oblige him when I find something he really likes.

I took a picture of it cooking but not the finished project...yeah I'm that smart. 

Anyways here's to a good week! I'll be back tomorrow with Tuesday Topics since I totally missed that last week too. But projects are getting done and that's all that matters!