Friday, June 21, 2013

High Five for Friday!

So exciting things have been happening this week.

So remember here when I talked about waiting for the job to be excited about?
I finally got one!

Not going into any specifics because we all know I like to be vague.
It's in my degree field and I'm super stoked.
Do people still say stoked? Well I just did. 

Something similar to this might have happened when I got the offer.

 photo tumblr_lzbdj9nyEo1r6aoq4o1_500_zps58419e50.gif


  1. In this day in age a job in your degree field is definitely something to celebrate! Congratulations!

    1. Dang I stink at blogging and responding to comments! Doesn't feel like this was almost 6 months ago. I'm definitely feeling very grateful!
