Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Well....Hello Hello!

My alarm went off this morning and I was thoroughly confused as to what day it was. I really thought it was the weekend...no such luck! So currently I'm sitting underneath a huge pile of homework...not literally of course but it sure feels like it. So sorry if I'm kind of MIA this week I gotta get all this stuff done.

But I'm here today and today is another 10 Day You Challenge! I can't believe we're already down to 3!

Today is 3 films! This is really too hard for me to choose so keep in mind there are ton more to be added to this list.

My all time favorite movie is definitely Pretty Woman! 

Next up is.... Zombieland!

If you haven't seen this movie I highly suggest it...hilarious. 
Rule #1 Cardio

The coveted third spot is.... Hocus Pocus!

I've loved this movie ever since I was little and I still watch it like once a month now.

Honorable Mentions... I love movies and couldn't limit myself to just three so here are some more of my favorites: 


  1. I need to see practical magic! haha I wish we could wake up and it magically be the day we want it to be! That would be awesome! have a good rest of your week!

    1. I looove practical magic. If you have netflix it's on the online streaming! You definitely need to check it out.

  2. Now that it's October I can start watching Hocus Pocus again - I just LOVE that movie and makes me feel like being a kid again :)

    Newest follower!


    1. I love Hocus Pocus with a passion. It might be kind of odd but I quote it on a semi-regular basis...lol

  3. You have great taste in movies lol I love all of those. I watched Pretty Women tonight & Hocus Pocous a few days ago. I'm stopping by from the Loving lately hop! Stop by to say hi if ya get a minute? I hope you have a great week!

